Post #534 Our God is bigger than the enemy

Continue to pray. Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
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Post #533 The Real Story about Afghanistan – Robert Kiyosaki

War and business are very similar. They are both tough, often dangerous, environments. Today’s guest explains the recent events that have unfolded in Afghanistan and how, like in business, failed leadership, is the real story in Afghanistan. Marine Veteran, Ryan, who completed 11 combat deployments, two as an infantry...
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Post #527 Unmasking The Gre@t Re-set Part 2

This is part 2. The Gre@t Re-set represents a group of globalist elites who desires global control and dominance, and to set the their world up for the ‘New W0rld 0rder’. What should Christians do? How shall the Church respond? Refer to post #520 for part 1.
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