Tag archives for FLU
Post #911 What best describes the vex-sin shots??
Alex Berenson, former “The New York Times” journalist (with over 425,000 followers) just did a flash poll on twitter regarding the cookie19 vex-sin shots!! Time to wake up to...
Post #869 CDC reverses itself on every pillar of C 0 V 1 D theater
The astonishing reversal of C 0 V 1 D guidance by the C D C. https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-12-world-governments-are-preparing-for-an-extinction-level-event-ele-cdc-reverses-itself.html# The C D C says their previous guidelines don’t apply any longer Please...
https://rumble.com/vt9d2z-1.25.22-legal-proceedings-against-convid-criminals-will-happen-witches-pani.html Preparing food for truckers NHS staff throw uniforms Big Data Study of 145 Countries Shows \/ Make Things Worse Please follow and like us:
Post #666 C 1 9 / 666 mark of the beast bible prophecy / cryptocurrency
The C19 666 “mark of the beast” prophecy is either real, or powerful people are playing a very sick joke. Read this carefully. You probably wont believe some of...
Post #584 Opinion of the \/ and anti-\/
Today Pastor Stan gives his opinion of the “\/ and the anti-\/”. What is the real reason behind it all? What will it do to our bodies in the...
Post #571 Violent protests worldwide against the mandates
Kim Iversen details the protests against \/ mandates taking place worldwide. Please follow and like us:
Post #561 Never Before Seen: Doctor Reveals Findings After Examining Vials
Doctor was shocked after studying the bl00d of \/@x patients that were coming to her with a serious illness. After being injected with the shots called “Cee 1 9”...
Post #549 C!9 Pass in Lithuania and throughout Europe: How recent \/@x mandate laws have upended my family’s life
I want to share the situation which my family and I are now facing because of C!9 Pass restrictions. https://txti.es/covid-pass/images As a start, we’re banned from shopping centers, non-essential...
Post #524 Using the current situation to split and divide believers
Once again, we are seeing much conflict and division arising among believers. This time, the enemy is using this global p@n-demic to divide those in Christ. It is time...
Post #513 C0V1D V@c cine and the Christian / From River Life Church SG
In light of the concerns regarding the C0V1D vaccines, we are preparing a special panel session to address any questions you might have. The panel comprises infectious diseases expert,...