Post #6 Return of God’s money
Monopoly paper money coming to an end? Yes. Gold will once again be the world standard? Yes. Old monetary system? Fiat / PetroDollar economic system. New monetary system? Gold / precious metals backed system. How long has gold been around? 5000 – 6000 years. When will gold end as...
Post #5 Internet Shutdown
No internet in April 2Q2Q? Internet rationing? Between 5 – 10 days. No googleNo youtubeNo facebookNo twitterNo yahooNo bingNo instagram Including possible shutdown of TV / radio / mobile phones, telephone lines? Except for police / firefighting / paramedic emergency services. Back to the good old days before internet...
Post #4 Gold price diverging
Divergence in paper gold price versus physical gold price? Yes. Why divergence (1)? Paper gold price is traded based on unlimited supply of paper fiat money. Ability by central bankers to short paper gold is also unlimited. Why divergence (2)? Physical gold has limited supply. Only a certain amount...
Post #3 Global currency reset
New international monetary systemGold standard coming backSound money shall once again be backed by gold If sound money returns and sound money is 40% backed by gold, what would the price of gold be? Gold price calculated to be at least USD $10000. If gold is USD $10000, what...
Post #2 Gold/silver is God’s money
Gold / silver have been used for thousands of years. God’s people (from time of Abraham Genesis 13:2) used gold / silver as money. We are witnessing the return to proper role of gold / silver as God’s money. Fiat paper money (no intrinsic value and backed by nothing)...