Ultra is a company that is coming to disrupt the gaming distribution market, players like steam are taking too much revenue and leaving developers frustrated and players handcuffed to their own marketplace. ultra a company with a solid team it coming to change that with theta being on their side.

This is one of the most important partnerships theta can have because one of the markets Ultra is aiming for is the Chinese market, this could lead theta to exposure to billions of other people that other American companies don’t even have access to!

Not only that Ultra itself is an undervalued gem that might explode in the coming weeks or months with everything that’s happening right now in the NFT marketplace with more and more developers and creators understanding that they have better options, with much more value to them than the 3rd person.

Refer to post #324 #342 #343 #344 #345 #346 #347 #348 #349 #352 #355 #365 #376

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