Media news networks are not responsible for telling the truth. Are most TV dramas real? Are most soap operas real? Are most movies real? Its all acting.

During news segment, they relay “information” to the public. It is not their job to ascertain the accuracy of the information. Their job is to tell it to us. We then decide if this information is true or not.

Have you seen anyone go to jail for telling lies on TV? However news network are responsible for viewership, ratings and profits from advertisements.

So they can and will say whatever they want to: 1) Maximize viewership 2) Increase ratings 3) With higher 1 and 2, the more advertising dollars they receive.

Thus the more outrageous their sound bites and claims are, more people will tune in to watch. With higher audience numbers, they can charge more for advertising slots. And this feeds directly to their bottom lines and profits.

Insects are attracted to bright lights in the darkness. Humans are attracted to shining, flashing and loud TV screens. Thus their main objective is to sensationalize everything. To make us return, again and again, to that bright, shining, frenzy TV box.

Refer to post #228 #229 #230 #231

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