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[W] o r l d
[H] e a l t h
[O] r g a n i z a t i o n

Who is Asclepius? He is god of medicine in ancient Greek mythology.

What is Asclepius carrying in the photo? The rod of Asclepius which is a snake-entwined staff. It remains a symbol of medicine today, as seen in the [W] [H] [O] logo.

Why is Asclepius carrying the rod of snake? Legends said that in return for kindness rendered by Asclepius, a snake licked his ears clean and taught him secret knowledge (to the Greeks snakes were sacred beings of wisdom, healing, and resurrection). He carried a rod wreathed with a snake, which became associated with healing.

History of worship of Asclepius? From 5th century BC onwards, the cult of Asclepius grew very popular and pilgrims flocked to his healing temples (Asclepieia) to be cured of their ills. Ritual purification would be followed by offerings or sacrifices to the god.

Who are his daughters? All of them are in the medical field.
Hygieia [“Hygiene”, the goddess of cleanliness]
Laso [goddess of recuperation from illness]
Aceso [goddess of the healing process]
Aegle [goddess of good health]
Panacea [goddess of universal remedy]

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