Archives for Q
Post #848 PAYBACK is coming! WE keep winning!
a) Merriam-Webster dictionary changed the definition of the word “girl:. b) All over the world, people are rising up against the officials who seek to control them rather than...
Post #321 The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
This is the inside story of the conspiracy to save the 2020 election, based on access to the group’s inner workings, never-before-seen documents and interviews with dozens of those...
Post #288 Its going to be biblical | VOTING FRAUD in USA exposed | Part 16
From comments section:David Barton was reporting over at Wallbuilders that he has led tours to the US Capitol hundreds of times and has never seen such light security measures....
Post #286 Proof that v o t i n g ballots are rigged | VOTING F R @ U D in USA exposed | Part 15
From comments section: I really like Mr Pulitzer. Everything he is showing you is common sense. Just look at the ballots. I have never been so impressed by a...
Post #285 DS tactics revealed | VOTING F R @ U D in USA exposed | Part 14
”It is impossible to rightly govern a Nation without GOD and the BIBLE” – George Washington Isaiah 55:6-76 Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye...
Post #237 System has backdoor allowing it to be “mirrored and monitored” | VOTING F R A U D in USA exposed | Part 8
The key part to understand is that the system has a backdoor allowing it to be “mirrored and monitored”. Thus allowing the intervening party a real-time understanding of how...
Post #207 God’s T R U M P cycles | Sign #7
Sign #7 of T R U M P prophetic ministry Donald John Trump is the third John. What is the main key to ascertain whether an apostle / prophet...
Post #198 God’s T R U M P cycles | Sign #6 of T R U M P prophetic ministry
STORY OF 3 JOHNS #1 First John the Baptist | Preparing the way | Matthew 3:1-3 John the baptist is the first John. John the baptist baptized Jesus Christ...
Post #196 God’s T R U M P cycles | Sign #5
Sign #5 of T R U M P prophetic ministry. His full name is Donald John Trump. His initials are D J T. D = 4th letter of alphabet...
Post #195 God’s T R U M P cycles | Sign #4
Sign #4 of T R U M P prophetic ministry. T R U M P wins election on Nov 8th 2016. 7 years 7 months and 7 days earlier...